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What is Hypno-Journey

What is Hypno-Journey

Hypo-Journey is an experiential process that utilizes modern hypnotherapeutic tools and shamanic processes to create profound shifts and healing. At its core, Hypno-Journey empowers an individual to embrace a sense of clarity, wholeness, and an authentic way of being. During a Hypno-Journey, clients are guided through processes designed to help them release social conditioning, behavioral patterns, old stories, and traumas while integrating their own unique beautiful strengths. Each journey is unique and is customized to meet the needs of the client.

Hypno-Journey has many applications and can be used a myriad of ways. Common applications of the practice include:

  • Releasing Stuck Emotions and Social Conditioning: Clients who come to Hypno-Journey often find that they can easily shift patterning that has existed for all, or most of their life, quickly and easily. Challenging and difficult experiences that have left us operating from places of fear or self-preservation can be honored and healed in way that allows us to retain all the lessons that we received from the challenges while releasing the emotional charge associated with them.

  • Decision Making and Parts Work: Hypno-Journey allows clients to easily and quickly connect with their inner landscape and explore conflicting viewpoints that may be preventing them from making an important decision. Through this exploration, they are often able to clear old fears and beliefs that may be leading parts of self to sabotage or prevent the client from accessing their own unique brilliance. Many times, after a Hypno-Journey, decisions that have been plaguing a client for months or even years become simple and clear.

  • Inner Resourcing: One unique core aspects of Hypno-Journey is its focus on inner resourcing and archetypal replacement. This process allows clients to bring support, love, and resources to wounded parts of self, which allows those challenges to alchemize into powerful support systems and inner sources of strength. Many processes will also involve replacing external role models and influential figures from their life (who may not have taught them the best lessons) with their own internal guides. Once we have begun this process, the client can begin to find fulfillment from within and often, challenging, co-dependent relationships in the external world begin to shift.


What to Expect

Hypno-Journey is an interactive one-on-one process that can be practiced with a facilitator either in person or remotely with equal efficacy. When experiencing a Hypno-Journey session, you will be in a setting that allows for you to turn your attention inward easily and gently. The practitioner will lead you in a guided visualization to bring your attention inward and connect you with inner resources. After that point, you will engage in a prompt-and-response interaction with the facilitator. The entire process is designed to help you clearly access the wisdom and answers inside of you. The role of the facilitator is to act as a guide who will support you and create the container to allow your own experience to come forth. Each experience will be different and is unique for each person. No two Hypno-Journeys are the same!

Iā€™m Interested in Receiving a Hypno-Journey!

If you are interested in receiving a Hypno-Journey fill out the basic contact form below and we will connect you with one of our graduates!